Windy Farm Alpacas

Fine Fleeces!

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Beginning Kniting - Make a Ski-Band!

Instructor - Jackie Armiger Fee - $55 All Materials provided - 100% natural alpaca yarn and there will be color choices. Requirements - A desire to learn and some patience. Location: Windy Farm Alpacas Contact Jackie to register or with any questions: [email protected] (609) 324-0080 cell (609) 947-8269

Call to Order: 609 947-8269
Learn to Knit working with alpaca.

Winter 2014 Class Dates: Sat mornings - Feb 1st, 8th & 15th at 10:00am
Or, Wed mornings Feb 19th, 26th & Mar 5th at 10:00am

Each class has 3 sessions: the first session is 2 hours, while the 2nd & 3rd sessions are each 1 1/2 hours.

Terms Of Service
Learn to cast on, the basic knit and purl stitches and to cast off, as well as to increase and decrease stitches. A small skein of alpaca yarn will be provided, as well as, one set of two short knitting needles and a small crochet hook.